5 Temel Unsurları için C# IEnumerator neden kullanmalıyız

Theres' no dispose question if you create the List immediately. If you choose the iterator path, you must deal with lifetime of the IEnumerator

@Toxantron An explicit cast to IEnumerable wouldn't compile unless the type you're trying to cast implements IEnumerable. When you say "but if that ever changes", hayat you provide an example of what you mean?

1 @JimBalter technically it doesn't define any classes. The code is syntactic sugar for a code construct that defines two classes and those two classes and then removed again because classes a compile time construct.

Bu örneği çhileıştırdığımızda alacağımız çıktı “Güzel” olacaktır. Burada haricen allıkınan hamiş bilgisini GeçmeDurumu Enum tipine cast ederek tuzakınan derece bilgisinin ödenek geldiği kıymeti hileıyoruz.

sehesehe 387k4747 gold badges458458 silver badges651651 bronze badges 2 I like the idea. I agree that this is the only 'correct' implementation. But I think the Blocking mode is a bit overkill. Throwing on a concurrent enumeration should be good for most use cases.

So all depends on what you mean saying "valid" state. If it's enclosed in usingdirrective, which is nothing else then try/finally, you have a guarantee that even if any exception happen in iteration the connection will be closed and

The Reset C# IEnumerator Temel Özellikleri method is provided for COM interoperability and does derece need to be fully implemented; instead, the implementer C# IEnumerator nedir güç throw a NotSupportedException.

GishuGishu 136k4747 gold badges225225 silver badges311311 bronze badges 1 Thanks Gishu for making C# IEnumerator nedir it more clear to me. also I find this link very useful: stackoverflow.com/questions/558304/…

foreach C# dilinin deyimi (for eachVisual Basic'te) numaralandırıcıların karmaşıklığını gizler. Bu nedenle, numaralandırıcıyı vasıtasız öğretmek namına kullanılması foreach önerilir.

This will get you into trouble though when people expect successive calls to GetEnumerator to return different enumerators vs. the same one. But if it's a one time only use in a very constrained scenario, this could unblock you.

Coroutine fonksiyonlarını çalçakırken StartCoroutine ile çağırmanız ve kafalatmanız gerekiyor.Menfi takdirde kodlarınızı çhileıştıramazsınız ve konsol penceresinde sakatlık düşünceı aldatmaırsınız.

I'm trying to figure out if I hayat pass a value by ref to an IEnumerator function that does not yield. If I try to do it with one that yields, VS2010 complains ("Iterators cannot have ref or out parameters"), but, if I wrap the call up with a similar IEnumerator function that C# IEnumerator nerelerde kullanılıyor calls the yielding function, but does not yield itself, the error goes away and things appear

If I avoid the foreach loop, call GetEnumerator myself, and don't call Dispose on the enumerator, do I have a guarantee that the finally blocks of the enumerator will run?

This implementation puts a whole lot of work into making sure that this never happens for the EnumeratorEnumerable type. There are C# IEnumerator Nasıl kullanılır two EnumeratorEnumerableModes:

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